From4th to 12th June, at Fondazione Luciana Matalon close to Foro Buonaparte in Milan, took place the group exhibition Inside.

The international collective exhibition Inside guides us into a new introspective spatiality. The artists lead us towards a dreamlike and visionary dimension, linked to the animic alerity, to the representation of the conscious in relation to the unconscious and of the soul with the body. Interiority as a human component to be rediscovered through art that questions the spectator, leading him to search for and rediscover his original self.
The exhibition welcomes works by 33 contemporary artists from 14 different countries and has received the patronage of Regione Lombardia, Regione Campania, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Fondazione Valenzi and Fondazione Donnaregina for contemporary arts of Naples (Madre Museum).
The exhibition, with free admission, was open from 4th to 12th June at Fondazione Luciana Matalon close to Foro Buonaparte in Milan. During the opening, which took place on Friday 4 June also live on facebook on the Nartwork association page, the art historians Cristiana Cordova and Gianpasquale Greco, authors of the contributions in the exhibition catalog, spoke.
Artists on display:
Marko Alabaster (United Kingdom), Brigitte Toffano Ali (France), Marie Pierre Arpin (France), Claudio Barbugli (Italy), Laura Bruno (Italy), Franco Bulfarini (Italy), Caterina Caldora (Italy), Alina Ciuciu (Italy), Nicola Costanzo (Italy), Giovanna Da Por Sulligi (Italy), Emanuela de Franceschi (Italy), Paul Delannèe (France), Anna Di Maria (Italy), donPaco (Spagna), Eivor Ewalds (Finland), Mario Formica (Italy), Liubov Fridman (Russia), Rada Koleva – Genova (Italy), Erich Kovar (Austria), Alison Lee (USA), Peter Mammes (Sud Africa), Taija Mäntylä (Finland), Michel Marant (France), Angelika Oberneder (Austria), Attila Olasz (Hungary), Maria Rita Onofri (Italy), Vanda Parker (Australia), Jaee Tee (Malaysia), Alisa Teletovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mario Vièzzoli (Italy), Rebecca Volkmann (USA), Claudia Werth (Germany), Peter Woodburn (United Kingdom).
Art Curators: Rossella Bellan, Giulia Mazzilli, Antonietta Panico
Graphic design: Antonio Imparato
Art Historian: Cristiana Cordova and Gianpasquale Greco