
Nartwork was created with the aim of promoting and value any form of art by supporting the cultural heritage and the works of contemporary artists. Nartwork organizes a variety of different national and international exhibitions and contests. 

Furthermore Nartwork publishes catalogues and brochures for artists and art-centers and works as a training center in collaboration with public and private organizations.


Giulia Mazzilli


Rossella Bellan

Art Curator

Antonietta Panico

Communication Manager

Antonio Imprato


Maria Aurelia Catalano

Art Historian

Gianpasquale Greco

Art Historian

Giulio Bellan

Exhibition layout designer

Alessandro Di Porzio

Assistant Art Curator

Federica De Falco

Assistant Art Curator


Barbugli Claudio, Bulfarini Franco, Castillo Rafael, Chyżawski Denis, Colinet André , Daloiso Maria , Duevel Erika Maja , Dupré Claudia , Eimer Reuven Dov , Elgimer Christian , Enriquez Mar , Evseeva Maria , Fantone Giulio , Fernandez Barragan Marita , Folkersen Jorgen , Formica Mario , Garcia Quique , Giacometti Lucrezia , Guglielmo Nathalie , Haslinger – Hasen Ulla , Kalb Sonja , Ketonen Tommi , Koleva – Genova Rada , Lobel Andréa , Lodde Anastasiia , Małgorzata Slava , Martinez Laurent , Mitterhuber Christina , Ohta Atsushi , Olasz Attila , Opalinski Pawel , Pasquier Caroline , Peter Utaellamarie , Raczynska Weronika , Savilampi Jukka , Schumacher Vera , Seregni Gianluca Giuseppe , Shibir Mayada , Smith Lisa , Somoza Analvis , Soujol Benedetti Jean-Paul , Testa Emma , Toce Enrica , Todorov Milica , Toyo Toyo , Van Bemmel Colina , van Honig Alexis , Volkmann Rebecca , Vu Thuy Linh , Ward Megan , Weber Horst , Zeuschner Ute

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