from 10 to 17 September 2022 at Luciana Matalon Foundation, in Milan (Italy)

The show took place in Milan from 10 to 17 September at Luciana Matalon Foundation, Foro Buonaparte 67.
The international collective Unfolding stories, curated by Nartwork, welcomed 41 artists from 19 countries and received the moral patronage of Regione Lombardia, Regione Campania and Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.
The digital version of the exhibition catalog, edited by Nartwork a.p.s., with the critical contributions of the art historians Cristiana Cordova and Gianpasquale Greco, is available at the link.
Graphics by Antonio Imparato. Exhibition project by Giulio Bellan.
It is also possible to review facebook live-streaming of the vernissage held on Saturday 10 September and the photos of the opening.
Art Curators: Rossella Bellan, Giulia Mazzilli, Antonietta Panico
Artists on display:
Marko Alabaster (United Kingdom), Marie Pierre Arpin (Germany), Yvonne Benasser (France), Jaen-Marie Bidet (Switzerland), Marta Carceller (Spain), Nicola Costanzo (Italy), Paul Delannée (France), Elisa Dottori (Italy), Rika Maja Duevel (Netherlands), Mario Formica (Italy), Fruits Quartz (Japan), Geoffrey Grünwald (Germany), Mihai Haita (Romania), Monika Hartl (Austria), Inushima (Japan), JBG (Italy), JUSToh (Korea), Mikolaj Karczewski (United Kingdom), Daphna Katzor (Israel), Taki Kawai (Japan), Rada Koleva-Genova (Italy), Lausen (Switzerland), Phoebe Maier (Italy), Valeria Morasso (Italy), Taro Mukai (Japan), Attila Olasz (Hungary), Alexandra Piras (Belgium), Weronika Raczynska (Poland), Julia Radzikowska (Poland), Anke Riemenschneider (Germany), Franca Sacchi (Italy), Veronika Sekotová (Czech Republic), Paola Semilia (Italy), Sou (Japan), Soul Sparkles (USA), Maria Carolina Terracciano (Italy), Miltos Tsivdaris (Greece), Rebecca Volkmann (USA), Horst Weber (Germany), Claudia Werth (Germany), Ivo Zibulla (Germany).