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unvelied truth

Unveiled Truth

From 25 May to 8 June 2024 in Barcelona, at Hub/Art, the international group exhibition Unveiled Truth curated by Nartwork aps.

In the wake of the 2024 exhibitions dedicated to Beauty from Nartwork aps, this exhibition seeks those who delve into it through perfect expressiveness and, consequently, as subjective truth. Not only as strictly aesthetic, but as an exploration that transcends traditional canons, finding beauty even in the storm; in the power of a singular stroke; or in a dizzying array of colors that grants us the freedom to be authentic.

Beauty is captured in its sensitive essence, delving into the depths of the soul of those who freely partake in it. Thanks to beauty, the melancholic soul is transfigured into the beautiful soul. 

With this new exhibition titled “Unveiled Truth,” we ask artists to reveal that which, once unveiled, elicits starkly a complex sentiment, born from your personal truth, undefinable. We entrust artists with the task of guiding us to the discovery of new possibilities, new vantage points, and clear perspectives.

The exhibition will take place from 25 May to 8 June 2024 at the following times: Mondays to Fridays 10:00 – 13:00 | 15:00 – 18:30. The event might receive the moral patronage of Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Alsob association and Campania Region.                                              

During the opening scheduled on Saturday 25 May 2024 at 5.30 pm, a small buffet will conclude the presentation.      

Artists on display:
Claudio Barbugli (Italy), Sandra Bechtold (Germany), Franco Bulfarini – BulfArte (Italy), Alessandro Di Porzio (Italy), Rika Maja Duevel (Norway), Reuven Dov Eimer – Murrey Elmarsh (Spain), Giulio Fantone (Italy), Marita Fernandez Barragan (Argentina), Jorgen Folkersen – Volkvard (Denmark), Mario Formica (Italy), Nathalie Guglielmo (Italy), Tommi Ketonen (Finland), Rada Koleva-Genova (Italy), Atsushi Ohta (Japan), Attila Olasz (Hungary), Pawel Opalinski (Poland), Weronika Raczynska (Poland), Rayok (United Kingdom), Vera Schumacher (Germany), Gianluca Giuseppe Seregni (Italy), Lisa Smith (Japan), Analvis Somoza (Cuba), Maria Carolina Terracciano (Italy), Thuy Linh Vu (Germany), Megan Ward (United Kingdom).

Art curators: Rossella Bellan, Giulia Mazzilli, Antonietta Panico

Exhibition graphic design by: Antonio Imparato

Show display design by: Giulio Bellan

Critical essays by: Maria Aurelia Catalano Rossi Danielli, Gianpasquale Greco

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