2023 acrylic on canvas 93 x 93
Il tempo, scandito dagli ingranaggi di un sistema che ci rende finiti. Esso si muove sinuoso nel simbolo dell’infinto, tracciando cerchi senza fine sulle nostre riflessioni, tracciando spirali che tornano sempre al punto di partenza, tormentandoci, rendendoci a volte schiavi di essa.
Collezione Rinascita n. 9
2019-2024 mixed media on canvas 70 x 50
Price € 500
Siamo prigionieri di un’illusione che sfugge appena proviamo a toccarla: Ogni istante si dissolve, dividendosi immediatamente in frammenti di passato ed echi di futuro.
Siamo coscienze che danzano in questa corrente inarrestabile, fatta di presenti che ci sfiorano, in che ordine? c’è un ordine ? E se fosse un insieme? Se tutte le parti coesistessero?
Eppure, in questo c’è la nostra libertà: plasmare la nostra vita con curiosità e coraggio per acquisire nuove prospettive e comprensioni, trasformando un vincolo percettivo , un limite umano -come fosse un trampolino- in un viaggio alla scoperta di sè e del Tutto.
Siamo ombre che vivono nel paradosso di un istante eterno, sospese tra ciò che eravamo e ciò che potremmo essere o forse siamo già.
Collezione rinascita N.9
2023 acrylic on canvas 93 x 93
Fly away in pieces
Inner temple
2024 oil and gold leaf on canvas 100 x 90
Price € 2.500
This piece centers on a figure surrounded by vibrant natural elements, with a single mushroom in the foreground. The mushroom, often a symbol of renewal and cycles of life, stands as a reminder of fragility and interconnectedness. The golden accents scattered throughout the scene evoke timelessness, hinting at the residue of lived experiences that linger within us. The figure, calm and contemplative, represents the inner sanctuary we build to hold our most intimate reflections, our “temples” of emotions and memories, shaped yet unbroken by the passage of time.
Both paintings explore the concept of the specter as the lingering echoes of time, as fragments of our past selves, emotions, and experiences that transcend the temporal. The use of organic motifs, such as the mushroom and golden leaves, symbolizes the natural cycles of growth and decay, while the human figures represent our capacity to anchor ourselves within this flux. The gold leaf elements further highlight the duality of impermanence and enduring beauty, urging us to cherish fleeting moments while embracing their transformative power.
Through Inner Temple and Inner Stage, I aim to create a visual dialogue that connects viewers to their own timebound specters, celebrating the interplay between the transient and the timeless.
Inner stage
2024 oil and gold leaf on canvas 70 x 50
Price € 1.350
In Inner Stage, a serene figure emerges from a bed of golden leaves and delicate threads, embodying the unfolding self. The ethereal elements suggest the imprints of time, memories and emotions that remain part of our inner landscape, even as they transform. The glowing tones and subtle textures reflect the tension between the transient and the enduring, portraying life as a stage where moments pass, but their essence continues to shape us long after they have gone.
Archetipi della coscienza
2024 oil on canvas 80 x 80
Price € 2.500
Carl Gustav Jung introduce il concetto di archetipi, definendoli forme primordiali dell’esperienza umana durante lo sviluppo della coscienza. Si tratta di simboli che sono alla base di tutti i comportamenti umani. Nell’opera ho immaginato istintivamente questi simboli. In alto a sx un momento evolutivo primitivo che man mano si struttura verso il centro, ove la coscienza appare nella sua limpidezza di dialogo interiore continuo, ma anche di interazione sociale ed assimilazione, fortemente dinamica. In alto a dx il pensiero conduce a nuovi stimoli sdoganati dalla realtà contingente, in basso le strutture consolidate del pensiero sorreggono ogni ulteriore forma dialettica primaria o secondaria.
Spectre invisible
2024 acrylic on canvas 30 x 90
Price € 800
À travers mes peintures, je donne une forme aux émotions invisibles, aux traces que la vie laisse en
nous. Chaque couleur raconte une histoire, un murmure d’ombre et de lumière. L’effacement, la
force, la fragilité se mêlent dans mes œuvres, comme dans la vie.
Je peins ce que l’on tait, ce qui persiste malgré tout. Des spectres du passé aux luttes du présent,
mon art est un écho à ceux qui avancent dans le silence. Mais au cœur de ce combat, il y a un
pilier : ma famille. Mes enfants sont ma force, le souffle qui me permet de créer et d’avancer. Car
au-delà de la douleur, il y a la résilience, et dans chaque teinte, une voix qui refuse de disparaître.
Exhibition text bio (EN)
Through my paintings, I give shape to invisible emotions, to the traces life leaves within us. Every
color tells a story, a whisper of shadow and light. Erasure, strength, and fragility blend together, just
like in life.
I paint what remains unspoken, what lingers despite everything. From past ghosts to present
struggles, my art echoes those who move forward in silence. But at the heart of this battle, there is a
pillar: my family. My children are my strength, the breath that allows me to create and move forward. Because beyond pain, there is resilience, and in every shade, a voice refusing to fade.
Testo per l’esposizione (bio) (IT)
Attraverso i miei dipinti, do forma alle emozioni invisibili, alle tracce che la vita lascia in noi. Ogni
colore racconta una storia, un sussurro di ombra e luce. Cancellazione, forza e fragilità si
intrecciano, proprio come nella vita.
Dipingo ciò che resta inespresso, ciò che persiste nonostante tutto. Dai fantasmi del passato alle
lotte del presente, la mia arte è un eco per chi avanza nel silenzio. Ma al centro di questa battaglia
c’è un pilastro: la mia famiglia. I miei figli sono la mia forza, il respiro che mi permette di creare e
andare avanti. Perché oltre il dolore, c’è la resilienza, e in ogni sfumatura, una voce che si rifiuta di
Archeologie di melagrane #1
2024 vegetable paint and combustion material on canvas 60 x 60
Price € 2.100
Archeologie di melagrane #2 – Annotazioni
2024 vegetable paint and combustion material on canvas 60 x 60
€ 2.100
Archeologia di melagrane#0 – Hanno gli occhi nelle stelle e l’animo nel mare
2024 vegetable paint and combustion material on canvas 45
Price € 2.200
La melagrana racchiude in sé oltre all’abbondanza dei suoi semi,
numerosissimi significati e simboli che attraversano culture da parte a parte
di questo nostro pianeta e da tempi immemorabili.
Ho deciso di raccontarne via via tutte le sue parti , riattraversando cosi tutte
le tracce , gli indizi, i segni che a partire dalla “pelle” a finire al suo “cuore”
questo frutto può narrare.
Mi piace pensare che possa divenire anche il più grande simbolo di pace,
per oggi, per sempre.
Da qui nascono le “archeologie di melagrana” come segno tangibile di una realtà che è
stata e che può nuovamente essere. Cantare nuovamente la melagrana tra i versi dei
poeti, tra cui l’antico poeta persiano Sayat Nova al quale ho già dedicato una serie di
opere, e a Garcia Lorca a cui devo la recente ispirazione
“E’ la melagrana profumata un cielo cristallizzato ( Ogni grana è una stella,
ogni velo è un tramonto. Cielo secco e compresso dalle unghie del tempo(…)
E’ un arnia minuscola col favo insanguinato e le api l’hanno formata con
bocche di donne(…)La melagrana è un cuore batte sul seminato…”
Federico Garcia Lorca, Ode alla melagrana.
Pomigliano D’Arco 2024
The Timebound Specter is a being that invalidates a linear understanding of time: I am the person who experienced my own death already, and my past walks in front of me, looking me straight into my eyes. The ghost commands attention, and the only way I can answer its call is through loosened poetry, ridding me of its haunting.
Circular vortex
2024 mixed media 78 x 67
Price € 800
My piece “Circular Vortex” is about the awareness of the spiral that I have seen in my past, present and am sure I will also see in my future self. Through shapes and color I weave through time twisting myself, around, through, and against life itself.
Ige Akan (Flowing inside)
2024 acrylic on canvas 120 x 60
Price € 600
Flowing Inside” evokes a sense of being carried by unseen currents, where emotions drift, collide, and dissolve into one another. It reflects the invisible weight of passing moments, embodying a sense of movement that is deeply felt but impossible to hold.
El final del día
2024 acrylic on canvas 70 x 50
Price € 950
Para mi el concepto de la exposición me lleva a pensar en el tiempo como una línea invisible que camina con nosotros, no la vemos pero sabemos que esta ahí, solo se hace visible al final de la vida..
Con mi obra El final del día, quería expresar la fragilidad del tiempo y de nuestro presente y hacer una reflexión sobre el futuro. Si no cuidamos el mundo, tal vez un día si sea el final.
2000 metal engraving 94 x 200
Thinking heads. In 1994, I created this metal engraving solely with brush strokes so that other artists could
intervene in it. People said it resembled a brain but in the sense of thinking heads. After a few
years, I wanted to intervene in the image myself and began transforming it, deconstructing the
form and then fading it.
Intelligenza Autogestita
2023 mixed media on wood 81 x 9
Price €450
Procne – Apoteosi della rondine
2023 mixed media on wood 50 x 50
Price €400
Deve esistere un filo conduttore fra estetica del mito e l’idea di futura bellezza. Se la tragica Procne si tramuta in rondine, può il nuovo artificiale concetto di bello dotarci ancora di ali per ritrovare la nostra intima libertà di pensiero? Ci saranno, spero, ancora persone che sapranno leggere criticamente tra le righe della storia dell’arte e ci saranno ancora artisti capaci di ribellarsi al continuo processo omologativo.
2024 mixed media on canvas 50 x 40
Price € 800
Mater – Corso Giovanni Lanza n.75 – Torino
2024 mixed media on canvas 30 x 30
Price € 300
As the time goes by
2012 oil on canvas 30 x 40
Price € 550
This artwork symbolises the process of individuation in C.G.Jung’s understanding: becoming an individual with a unique personality takes a long time, stepping out from the collective unconscious or an unspecific industrial object, shown here with an undefined colour on both sides of the artwork, into the consciously differentiated individuality. Individuality is never perfect and shows the wounds and signs of the lifetime. With an ironic touch, the artwork shows the value of the individuation as a long time process. So, the time itself is one of the most important elements of condicio humana.
2024 pastel on drawing paper 41 x 32
Price € 3.000
Look at me
2024 pastel on croquis paper 25 x 18
Price € 1.500
For me, females are very complex and difficult to understand. Sometimes they are objects of longing and some times, are even objects of fear. I paint females with ambivalent emotion to them like two artworks being exhibited. In addition, two artworks have time difference. I painted “Suspicion! in 2024 and “Look at me” more than ten years ago. My skill of painting has changed in this 10 years but my perspective to female seems to have not changed so much. It was a finding for me.
Chi lo sa
Verona, novembre 2023
Si sa , che il tempo va sempre in avanti, ma scorre diversamente per ognuno di noi: dipende dalle età e dai pensieri che abbiamo.
Spesso i pensieri cambiano il solito scorrere del tempo , facendoci tornare indietro , oppure guardare oltre – nel futuro , però non c’è nulla di meglio , che camminare liberi e sereni nel presente .
Genesis 1
2024 wooden wall object 54 x 46 x 3
Price € 750
“Genesis” explores the creative process and the delicate balance between chaos and order. Through its geometric forms and layered structure, it reflects a universal flow of energy and the interconnected nature of creation. The concept of Timebound Specter deeply resonates with me, as it reflects the interplay between the ephemeral nature of time and the enduring traces it leaves on our existence.
News of New York
2023 transparent WORLDS ® 145 x 75
Price € 5.350
Transparency and Movement are the Materials of my Heart.
With light and its effects, I take my audience into the worlds of fantasy, the foreign and the past. Worlds in which time seems to have stood still and in which everything is nebulously transfigured, and I create memorabilia painted with light – Transparent Worlds ®.
My performances are created in the moment, for a specific space. They are based on the methods of contemporary dance – contemporary art and improvisational dance. With the help of film editing, the snapshots become atmospheric performative video installations, which in turn are presented in suitable locations.
Snapshots of the movements are captured and painted and staged on glass. Personal works of art of one’s own history in history are created.
My planographic printing process combines digital imagery with painterly processes and is reminiscent of the first photographic plates on glass. Space and time influence color and form. The impression is created from the light. In 2024, my artistic techniques were added to the European Trademark Register.
The artwork News of New York was created in the CYCLE 2021 – 2023
From New Year’s Eve 2021 to September 2023, numerous participatory performances were created with the residents of Marnay-sur-Seine in France and Germany, which became the basis for the film “”Life? It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”” and numerous light paintings.
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty, I organized the interdisciplinary art festival “”A beautiful day or maybe a night?”” 2023 in the greenhouses of Ludwigslust Castle, Germany. The title of the festival is based on the friendship with the artist community in France since 2013 (see below).
News of New York shows Nicoe Domec and Andi Mackenzie in the studio of Nicole’s father, the painter Claude Domec. The performance is intended to represent the father’s legacy, Nicole as a painter of the Seine. Mackenzie, portrayed as a priest, reads the New York Timesfrom 2019. The year in which I presented my first live performance in France and the birthplace of my daughter. The times blend into a poetic, improvised visual statement At the Festival of Lights in August 2024 in the Botanical Garden of Marnay-sur-Seine, models and works of art came together. The circle of the artistic process closed from creation to presentation; the participants were able to experience the process live. A second small festival presented film, live performance and glass pictures – this time in France.
The film won the Best Experimental Film category at the New York Movie Awards and
International Gold Award in November 2024.”
The thinking formula to arrive at the core
2024 mixed media on canvas 53 x 53
Price € 850
Drawing a square
In the moment of the present.
In the limited area of here.
Awareness of eternity on oneself, preached in the “ Hokekyou Juryouhon
( 法華経 寿量品 ) ” Sutra.
An approach to real existence that begins with introspection on the “”I”” as a living human being.
When the major premise is that Buddhism is the fundamental philosophy and the Buddha Dharma that is preached is the absolute Dharma principle, the divergence that appears in the thoughts, judgments, and actions of the “I” indicates the present in the eternity and the here in the infinity, makes on more aware of the existence as subjects.
The imprints of time
2024 acylic on canvas 40
Price € 1.250
The title and theme of the exhibition refer to one of the most important problems in our lives, the experience of time. Fleeting imprints is a very important term. What remains from the memory of life situations and moments in physical space?
This question gave rise to my work entitled The Imprints of Time. The past is symbolized by the fragment on the left, the present is represented by the metallic glitter in the middle, and the column of light representing the future is on the right. Three columns, three meanings. The past haunts us. The present is slipping away. The future is uncertain. There is a watcher in the picture who sees the time planes.
The Passage of Time
2024 mixed media on paper 50 x 70
Price € 700
My work features birds and trajectories of some of their flight patterns. Birds dive into the air creating loops in the sky, they seem so utterly free, unconstrained. Our bodies are bound to a time frame we are living in, but our mind is free to go in and out of our memories or reflecting the present, future. That is why the artwork is called ‘The Passage of Time’, our mind is the passage allowing us to travel back and forward in time with the same leap and unrestriction as birds.
Perhaps time is a movement, constant change. Points and markers affixing something that is in constant movement. Trying to tame time or a line of movement. It’s changing and shifting, powerfully moving forward and we hope for the mercy of the strong force guiding us.
Through my head
2024 photography 50 x 50
Price € 800
Parts of my soul
2024 photography 50 x 60
Price € 800
Photographic abstraction allows me to explore what escapes the eye: the blur of memories, the traces of time, the impermanence of emotions. My works capture fragments of perception where forms dissolve, where colors collide, where the image becomes the reflection of an altered memory.
In “”Through My Head””, the light seems to stretch like an elusive thought, a reminiscence that tries to cling to the present before disappearing into nothingness. The movement is spectral, evoking this incessant oscillation between what has been, what is and what could be.
With “”Parts of My Soul””, I question the imprint of time on our very essence. Does what defines us fade over the years? Or on the contrary, does each moment lived leave an indelible mark on our being? Blurred contours and shifting textures become the visual language of an identity in perpetual transformation, haunted by echoes of the past.
Through these images, I seek to make tangible the invisible: this specter of time that shapes our perceptions, that alters reality and that, sometimes, confronts us with our own transience
Return to sender
2022 acrylic on canvas 70 x 70
Price € 1.100
The surreal painting ‘Return to sender’ shows a lived past – now lost and abandoned in an overgrown landscape. An arm sticks out of the letterbox, pointlessly waiting for mail that will never come again.
The wine had gone to the head
2023 oil on canvas 53 x 27
Price € 2.800
The work of art exhibited at the “Timebound Specter” group exhibition was previously exhibited at the “Outward Soul” group exhibition at the Onart Gallery in Florence, Italy. This oil painting was seen as the outward soul of the artist.
Now, my oil painting titled “The Wine Had Gone To The Head” is exhibited at the Spazio San Vidal Art Space in Venice, Italy, the art space with the history of exhibiting paintings by Giorgio de Chirico, Georges Rouault and Carlo Carrà among others. This art space seems to be full of spectral images of previously exhibited paintings of great masters, these masterpieces are remembered in the art space history, thus the interpretation of my painting can be through the surrealism prism (pre-surrealism of de Chirico influence). The head of a man at my painting is real and dreamlike at the same time. The wine is buzzing in the head, the thoughts are flowing through the mind of a man, and I hope this painting will make the viewers feel buzzing in their heads. This work of art helps the viewers to dive into a dreamlike state of mind.
Morning passion
2024 acrylic on canvas 80 x 100
Price € 2.500
Morning Passion is relevant when you look at it your almost transport to to a different realm . With bright dancing colours that take to to different parts of the painting yet allowing you see deep into the painting almost like being transported through time with the colours and electric, energetic details.
L’armonia vince da sempre il silenzio.
Venetian Spraycan
2024 acrylic on canvas 40 x 30
Price € 550
The painting I am exhibiting ‘Venetian Spraycan’. I decided to submit this piece as the exhibition will ne based in Venice so thought it very appropriate. It is inspired by Venetian masks. The tradition of wearing these masks dates back to the 13th century, when they were used to reduce social hierarchies and celebrate. The masks were used to conceal the wearer’s identity, allowing people to mingle without regard to social class. It allowed them to escape from the rigid rules of the class hierarchy.
All classes could mingle, men could be women, and women could be men. The background incorporates lot of elements of Italian culture be it historical, artistic,
cultural or symbolic.
Argentina N°II Serie Hilván 2025
2025 hilván – photo by Gustavo Sosa Pinilla 92 x 62
Price € 3.500
The Hilván 2025 Project is made up of a series of 24 pieces of Thai Kozo paper acquired from the Kozostudio shop that lands for the first time in Argentina through a respectful international dialogue.
The pieces of white or black openwork paper forming alternating empty squares of 2cm on each side are interpellated by white, black or primary coloured lines of 1.5cm wide by 0.90cm long.
The proposed conversation refers to the exchange of possible imagined ideas between Kasimir Malevich (the square, the basic Suprematist element) and Piet Mondrian (the lines, the primary colours).
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