Artificial Nature - Artists' quote

13-19 May 2023

Barcelona – HubArt Gallery


Marko Alabaster

United Kingdom


The diesel dragon

2021 oil on canvas, 

price €500

A carnival boat has been stolen and equipped with two high powered Mercedes engines. The purpose is to fish illegally off the shores of Taiwan. No boat can catch this one.


Marie Pierre Arpin




2020 ink on canvas


2020 ink on canvas

My two paintings symbolize the natural environment of the forest during autumn in an abstract manner.
These two paintings integrate into the thé exhibition concept through shapes and colors.

Claudio Barbugli

Claudio Barbugli



Riflessioni 1

2022 knife, acrylic on canvas

price € 1.500

Olga Biberdorf “”




2022 acrylic on canvas

price € 8.500

Brigitte Bourger

French Polynesia


No limit

2019 photography

price € 490

Marta Carceller

Marta Carceller



Playing in the beach

2023 acrylic on canvas

price € 2.500

The innocence of children who enjoy nature without trying to change it or manipulate it to their liking.

Justin Chan

Justin Chan



As Above

So Below

2021 photography

price € € 5.000 each

My works depict the sometimes subtle but twisted responses of nature to our careless manipulations.

Ivana D'emilio

Ivana D’Emilio




2023 mixed media

price € 480

VENTO: preziosa immobilità e potente mutevolezza del tutto L’opera è il naturale riflesso della mia idea di vita: simbiosi perfetta di respiri e di momenti della natura che ci tolgono il respiro. Ecco dunque da un lato il succedersi continuo dei ritmi quotidiani, la forza degli affetti, la sostanza del nostro io, la roccia nera, la pace, il faro. Dall’altro lato c’è poi la brezza che tutto muove, che ci toglie il fiato, l’aura delle emozioni e dei brividi, delle agitazioni interiori, il vento della bellezza sconvolgente colta nelle cose e negli esseri, il fermento, la linfa.

Arrivando il vento non disturba, ma anzi si fonde con la roccia nera impreziosendone la staticità. Che meraviglioso miscuglio quello che rende vita la nostra vita!

Rika Maja Duevel

Rika Maja Duevel

The Netherlands


The artificial proxy

2023 mixed media

My piece “Artificial Proxy” was made especially for this exhibition “Artificial Nature” organized by the amazing team Nartwork. The piece depicts that lean and sometimes need for the artificial almost acting like a brace or a cushion to soften the fall. Yet as we use it as a cushion it does not replace the human element even if it sometimes acts as a proxy. There is dance within the balance. The shapes and lines were inspired by a trip to Barcelona and a series of sketches I did while there.

Anna Eriksdotter

Anna Eriksdotter



No time to waste (limited edition 1/5)

2020 print on fine art paper

price € 320

I want to show how our lifestyle affects the landscape and makes us all losers.

Julia Fernández Rebollo “ARTangelus”




2023 acrylic on canvas with sand texture

price € 1.500 

Representa la intención de realizar alguna tarea, la finalidad con que se emprende una acción, ya sea un trabajo, una investigación, una rutina nueva o la vida misma, este último caso, el propósito de la existencia como cuestionamiento filosófico más antiguo y difícil de responder.


2023 acrylic on canvas with sand texture

price € 1.500 

Representa la acción sin pensar, movilizada por el aspirar a algún tipo de contacto con otra persona física o emocionalmente. Deseo o motivo afectivo que induce a hacer algo de manera súbita, sin reflexionar.

Waltraud Gemein



A human with a little human? I

A human with a little human? II

2022 ink on canvas

price € 1.000  each

“I as an artist want to call into question our reality and an artist doesn’t ask with words, he asks with his paintings or drawings or sculptures.
Maybe we don’t find answers but it is nevertheless important to ask.
So I gave my two drawings as a title the question „A human with a little human?“
or „Homunkulus“

Lucrezia Giacometti

Lucrezia Giacometti



Green Connection II

2023 mixed media

price € 600

Nella mia opera è rappresentata la condizione che ancora oggi ci ritroviamo ad affrontare.
Due impronte: quella di una foglia (simbolo della natura) segnata dall’inquinamento che entra in contatto con quella dell’uomo.
L’opera vuole mettere in particolare risalto il rapporto tra uomo e natura, invitando le persone che si interfacciano con essa, a riflettere su ciò che sta accadendo e di conseguenza al ritorno di una
totale connessione dell’individuo con il “Verde” e l’ecosistema.

My artwork has represented the condition that we still face today.
Two footprints: that of a leaf (symbol of nature) marked by pollution that comes into contact with that of man.
The artwork aims to highlight in particular the relationship between man and nature, inviting
people who interface with it, to reflect on what is happening and consequently to the return of a total connection of the individual with the “Green”  and the ecosystem. 

Monika Hartl

Monika Hartl



Ensemble Faces (3 sculptures)

2022 ceramic

price € 490 each

VOLTO: Il volto è il guscio di un patrimonio di conoscenza e libertà di pensiero. Il volto
è il luogo dell’identità, che riflette la vita e il carattere.

GESICHT: Das Gesicht ist die Hülle eines Reichtums an Wissen und Gedankenfreiheit.
Das Gesicht ist der Ort der Identität, spiegelt das Leben und den Charakter wider.

FACE: The face is the shell of a wealth of knowledge and freedom of thought. The
face is the place of identity, reflecting life and character.





Art from the past

2023 digital montage

price € 150

I use the technique of digital montage (collage) to create works on the theme of memory. The materials are actual photographs and my drawings. There are many pasts in this artwork. I read in a book a long time ago that art history moves forward while looking backward, and this artwork is an attempt to do that in my own mind. I valued the process of making this. When I was a student preparing for the entrance examination, I created an artwork based on the poem “Morning Song” by Chūya Nakahara, a famous Japanese poet. This time, based on the same poem as back then, I tried to imagine the scene of the poem, while also searching my memory of what kind of work I had created back then. I created this work while feeling many things from the past, including my own past, the past when this poem existed, and the past that exists in my own work.

Rada Koleva Genova

Rada Koleva-Genova



Simile alle onde

2022 poetry


E’ la natura quell’arte insuperabile che ci pone Dio di fronte agli occhi per avere ciascuno di noi la giusta misura della propria creatività quotidiana.






2017 photography

price € 740

Building blocks of perception — the impressions, the subjective reality of the situation. Dueling the reality and circumstances that cannot be encountered.

Agata Lewandowska-Mista

Agata Lewandowska-Mista




2022 mixed media

price € 7.500

FLOW is an artpiece which was a follow up of AMBiTION. Those two pieces stand for the ever present two forces within us: FLOW and AMBITION. FLOW on its part stands for reaching within and letting things evolve naturally.

Attila Olasz



The wounds of the earth

2021 oil on canvas

price € 1.000

The title of my exhibited work is The wounds of the earth. We can see below the surface of the landscape. For the splintered structure. It reveals something that is rarely seen. Perhaps a sign of human intervention. Injury, wound, shining pain.

Atsushi Otha



Drawing a square c.p.54a. plus

2022 mixed media

price € 750

A space created only by painting and drawing on a flat surface.
How is it possible to make the theme happen in this autonomous painting space without using reproducible spatial expressions of visual experiences?
It is caused only by ‘conceptual action’, not by the iconography or the image.
The theme is where to find the reality of self-existence and how to get awareness and awakening.
The uncertainty of the existence of the perceived and recognized objects and the certainty of the self-existence which recognizes them.
The act of drawing as a motif causes the self-existence on a canvas, – capturing it in the moment of the present and in the limited area of here.
The reality of self-existence in eternity and infinity.
The awareness and awakening will be obtained in the relationship of substance, idea, and action.

Utaellamarie Peter

Utaellamarie Peter



Hanni and Nanni

2021 acrylic on canvas

price € 1.400

For a long time I have been concerned with man-made climate change and the sense of entitlement of the animal species man because man is nothing more than a species among many other species of equal value. What is it, that just the western shaped culture has brought to claim all resources for itself and to destroy everything, in the end also the own bases of life. A disastrous mass destruction! In this respect I find it important to deal with the topic and also to find a way back to natur.

Giulia Pomata




2022 acrylic on canvas

price € 2.000

Ombra sono io. Siamo noi. È la nostra antagonista, l’alter ego, formata da sofferenza, dalle nostre emozioni più represse e dalle parti più oscure di noi, che non ci fanno sentire a nostro agio, che non accettiamo. Colori accesi e cupi. Che si scontrano, che lottano, che convivono. Ma in questa eterna lotta tra il bene ed il male nessuno riesce a predominare l’altro. È quindi importante accettare l’ombra, essere l’ombra.

Ariane Schuchardt



Coppia di opposti

2023 knife, oil on canvas,

price € 1.000

E’ la goccia che fa la differenza. La goccia misura piccolissima in natura, qui è intesa come prezioso gesto quotidiano d’amore.
It’s the drop that makes the difference. The drop is very small in nature, here is intended as a precious daily act of love.

Veronika Sekotová

Veronika Sekotová

Czech Republic


Water power

2021 acrylic on canvas

price € 420

Water or gold? Two gifts from nature that humans have taken to be their own —which would you choose? Water, of course! We are made of water and
depend on it. Water is the basic condition for life on our planet and will always be more valuable than gold. But why do some people prefer gold? Is it to symbolize the glittering and golden lives that they lead in their “artificial worlds”?





Beyond the line

2022 resin acrylic paint

price € 1.000

Beyond the line
The possibilities are endless.
There is nothing that cannot be done.
That’s right.
In life, through repeated failures, what qualities do you have that you are suited for? You will realize and find your own meaning in the society of others.
In the society of others, you create your own line that you must not miss.
But you know what?
It is a line that you yourself have created that is necessary in the society of others.

If there is the essential self on the other side of that line….

Stop and look!

On the other side of the line, there is a new you, with unknown and beautiful values.

Soul Sparkles

Soul Sparkles



Fuori dall’Eden

2022 mixed media

price € 4.000

Ahayah spoke us into existence perfectly there was not a single moment that everything was not completely thought out, including our presence here on this beautiful earth that we are one with, you don’t get much more creative than that, to form everything that we see out of the purest love that we bask in every time we take a breath. Artificial Nature is what we as artists create and everything created by human beings is as it is not and never will be anywhere near Divine Creation but is likened to it we are so impressed, in awe and inspired by nature that we cannot help but take our natural nature of wanting to create from what we see and design an artificial expression of that very experience. From the Heavenly mouth of the Creator we have been so blessed to be gifted life, to be present in this Divinely designed nature we call earth for so shall we one day return to that earth and pass into the Heavenly Kingdom from which we were so graciously arted in the beginning. This is also my explanation of what my artwork, Fuori Dall Eden, is about and represents. Yashiya blessings to you all darlings!

Maria Carolina Terracciano

Maria Carolina Terracciano



Senza finestre

2022 poetry

E mentre tutto e passato ecco che nel presente germoglia un fiore, ancora, germoglia è il profumo di una rosa e staresti lì a sentirne la fragranza che si diffonde anche dopo che i petali, i sepali e il pistillo si sono seccati.
Questo puoi chiamarlo natura.

Franca veroj

Franca Veroj



Cosa genera il garbuglio della terra?

2023 mixed media

price € 800

Dall’intervento causato dall’uomo si evidenzia, nel basso del quadro, un enigma e un diverso divenire dove si innalzano strani ESSERI e, in alto, un cielo azzurro lapislazzuli.


Rebecca Volkmann



Wandering into my dreams

2022 mixed media

price € 1.100

In my painting, “Wandering into my Thoughts”, the figures emerge from the organic ground created intuitively with water media and collages made with watercolor on Japanese paper from years past. The figures undulate and move together as if in a dance, or Pas de Deux in ballet.
In nature, the wind and water move trees, plants, and water in rhythms syncopated like a dance. When creating this piece, I let the forms speak to me as organic and biomorphic shapes and guide the creation, created by the human hand. The story speaks of dreams and that ether-like atmosphere found there, and the dance of passion is only imagined, not tangible. The colors are reminiscent of Spring, and the female figure in her dance unfolds like a bloom.”

Maria Rita Onofri



La porta del cielo

2022 acrylic paints scumbling and metalworkings

price € 3.500

La tecnica di Maria Rita Onofri, diventata ormai la riconoscibile firma della sua espressione pittorica, è il risultato delle diverse sue esperienze lavorative che vanno dall’oreficeria all’ architettura, dalla scenografia alla pittura e scultura. Tutti queste esperienze vengono sintetizzate ed espresse in tutti i suoi quadri, e con molta più forza e sintesi nelle sue opere più recenti.
Questa perfezionata tecnica è stata brevettata in quanto risultato di lunghe esperienze e accostamenti fra diverse manualità della stessa pittrice che rendono la sua arte unica ed irripetibile.